


  • Flow = number of movements or quantity of goods transferred between two machines (From - To). The graphical view represents the directional flow (From - To). The real view represents the flow on each segment without added indication of direction.
  • Flow expressed in terms of movement (movement= transfer of a batch of parts from a position A to a position B): the value of the flux is the number of trips made to move all parts of a position A to a position B.
  • Flow expressed in terms of quantity : The flow value is the sum of all parts moved from a position A to a position B.


  • SIMOGGA considers a machine, all machines, workstations, and storage locations where the product is stopped, (it can be transformed by an operation of the process or just stored for some time).
  • The machines have a color which characterizes the type of machine.
  • The level of filling of the colored part is the percentage of the load with respect to the capacity.


  • SIMOGGA is organized into different views: graphical view,:term:design view,:term:interaction view,:term:scheduler view.
  • Graphical view : Visualization of directional flow without constraint (cultural, technical, historical).
  • Design view: View that permit the plant layout definition.
  • Interaction view : View with the plant layout to account for technical constraints of the plant (plant areas, entry-exit, immovable machinery).
  • Scheduler view: View used to make diffrent scheduling manipulations.


  • SIMOGGA is built based on a set of customer data = the Excel file where each transaction is assigned to a machine. This corresponds to a particular Operation-Machine solution. The assignment of operations on machines is used to define the matrix of From-To stream where all flows of a machine A to a B machines are represented.
  • Each scenario presented in SIMOGGA corresponds to a solution Machine-Operation particular. This solution involves the flow between different machines and a specific use machine (with respect to the load capacity defined).
  • Each scenario is also defined by a factory design.